Do I need to make an appointment for an estimate?
We strongly recommend that you give us a call to make an appointment for your free estimate so that we may give you our undivided attention. This will allow us to give you and your vehicular issue the optimum time needed in order to examine your car, address any questions you may have, & discuss your repair options.
It’s just a small dent? Can’t it just be popped out?
When you come in for your free estimate, we will be happy to discuss any and all repair options. We will also be more than happy to discuss freely the cost benefits of any of your available choices.
Can you communicate with my insurance company for me?
Yes. The majority of the time all it will take is one phone call from you to your insurance company to make your claim and then we can do the rest. Occasionally, it may take further communication on your part with your insurance company. Our goal is to provide you with quick, hassle free service to minimize the trauma that often accompanies auto repair.
How long will the repairs take?
Repairs vary depending on the amount of damage your vehicle has incurred. We do our best to repair all vehicles in a timely manner. We will be better able to address this question when you come in for your free estimate.
Do you offer warranty on your work?
Let us know! Our goal is to provide you with optimal service. In order to achieve this, we provide Limited Lifetime Warranties on workmanship pertaining to the repairs for as long as you own your vehicle. We also honor the manufacturers’ guarantee on all of the replacement parts.
What about my deductible?
If it has not been waived by your insurance company, we will collect your deductible upon completion of your repairs. Nevada State Law forbids any auto body from waiving your deductible.
FREE Car Washes & Oil Changes!

There's no catch or gimmicks here! International Auto Painting & Body offers FREE car washes and oil changes on Saturdays. Whether you've been a loyal customer for years or are visiting us for the first time, this service is absolutely FREE. If you'd like to take advantage of a FREE oil change, just bring your own oil and oil filter and we'll handle the rest.

A tip for the guys is always appreciated but not required. Just say "THANK YOU".
Contact Us

International Auto Body & Paint
4350 South Arville
Suite #30
Las Vegas, NV 89103

(702) 871-8717 (office)
(702) 871-9876 (fax)